Cindy Matthews
Cindy Matthews began her language studies at Waynflete School in Portland, first with French, and then adding Spanish. For her Senior Project, she spent a month in Spain, studying Spanish music. She continued studying French at Tufts University majoring in International Relations and spent a year in France with the Tufts-in-Paris Program, where she rediscovered her love for teaching. After college, she spent 3 years teaching English in Japan. She returned to Maine and earned her Master's Degree in Education at the University of Maine's Extended Teacher Education Program. Cindy has been teaching World Languages at Sacopee Valley Schools for the past 20 years, and is excited to join the faculty at the New School! She loves languages and teaching, traveling, music, the beach (with a good book!), walking, yoga and zumba! Cindy lives in Limington with her husband Troy, son Max, 3 cats: Sammi, Sweet Pea and Punkin, and dog Hunter.