Marylyn Wentworth
Marylyn co-founded The New School in 2000 and served as the school's Principal until 2016. She is now devoting her time at TNS to teaching and volunteering at Outta the Box. Marylyn has been an educator in Southern Maine since 1961. She has been a national consultant for school reform with the Coalition of Essential Schools, the Annenberg Institute at Brown University, the Annenberg Rural Challenge, the Foxfire Teacher Outreach Center, the National School Reform Faculty, and the School Reform Initiative, and has had long-term involvement with The Southern Maine Partnership. She has been a potter and graphic artist, a teacher in MSAD 71 and at Waynflete School and is presently an avid gardener, quilter and writer. In 1970 she co-founded The School Around Us, The New School’s K-8 sister school, with eight other families. Marylyn has a Maine Certificate in secondary English, K-8 general education and K-12 Art.