
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Tournament

The New School’s eSports team is hosting a Smash Ultimate tournament the afternoon of February 19th, the Wednesday of our February break, right here at The New School. “This will be a free double elimination tournament where I will be providing refreshments,” said Coach Raizel. If you would like to join us for the afternoon, please join our discord at and sign up in the #tournament channel. This after school program is free to join for high school aged teenagers from The New School and the local community! No costs are associated with the team — all materials needed to play are [...]

Play Games!

The New School's eSports team is starting up! Our game this season: Mario Kart 8. This after school program is free to join for high school aged teenagers. No costs are associated with the team — all materials needed to play are provided for practices and matches. Practices are held on Mondays and matches are held on Thursdays throughout February, March, and April. Finals will be held during the last week of April. Our eSports athletes are required to be in good academic standing — attendance and grades — with their school or homeschool in order to play in [...]

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