Change comes in many forms, and here at The New School, we support students who are working on personal growth and change through a variety of mediums. Our classes are intentionally small and provide opportunities to work within strengths while recognizing potential areas of growth. Students work collaboratively to find their voice by modeling the democratic process and utilizing a mix of Arts and Activism with Experiential Learning. The New School fosters authentic community connections that further encourage our students to become change makers not just within themselves, but in their communities.
Here, at The New School, we provide a learning environment that balances the roots of community with the wings of self-discovery. We pay attention to mind, body, and spirit, fostering connections to the larger world.
Our goals are to encourage:
- Active citizenship in a democratic community
- Inquiry and exploration of the world of knowledge
- Trusting relationships
- Understanding of oneself as a learner, and
- Environmental and Social Responsibility.
- Here you will see how our students are engaging, learning, and thriving.
Some students recently engaged in special news edition for their Mythology Class.
Read about the latest musings of Zeus, Persephone, Orion, and more: