LEAP Night (Learning Exhibitions and Performances) is a public celebration of student learning. For the event, students create displays representing their work from all classes and other learning experiences they have participated in this semester.
Our evening began with each student first showing their work to a small group of community members (between one and three) in a presentation and discussion format, then we opened the school up at 6:30, allowing all members of the community to browse all of our students’ displays. The conversations our students have with their individual LEAP feedback teams are an important component of our mission to help students articulate their learning. Feedback team members were given a list of guiding questions and material to allow for providing feedback to our students.
We had a full house for LEAP on Wednesday! Throughout the school, all of our students were able to showcase their learning from the first semester (and our newest student, who joined us in time for the three-week intensives, and her family were able to see how LEAP works). Members of our community came to participate in feedback teams — and were fed by students from the food and culture intensive! A great time was had by all.