The New School offers a variety of services to assist homeschoolers with their education. To apply for Homeschool Admission, please complete our Inquiry Form.

High School Courses

Homeschooled students are welcome to take courses at The New School to augment homeschool work. Students may take up to two courses during the core day (8:45-3:30). To take more than two courses, they must be enrolled as a full-time student.

Fee: $1500/course/semester

Eighth Grade (Middle School) Courses

Homeschooled students in 8th Grade are welcome to take courses at The New School to augment homeschool work. Students may take up to two courses during the core day (8:45-3:30). Credit earned in these classes will be cited as Middle School credit.

Fee: $750/course/semester

Undergraduate Credential Management

Homeschoolers and their families consult with a certified teacher/advisor to translate their learning into credits and organize that credit into a transcript that is acceptable to colleges and the world of work. This service includes two yearly interviews where the student’s learning plan is reviewed and completed work is evaluated for credit.

Fee: $300/year

Graduation Year Credential Management

This final year of home high school is much like the Undergraduate Credential Management, except that there are four interviews and closer contact between the student, their family and The New School advisor.

Fee: $500/year

Transcript Preparation

Credit is not given lightly at The New School. Homeschooled students must present ample evidence of accomplishment and progress and a log of time spent in any area of study they wish to have certified for credit. The New School uses the Maine Learning Results standards as a guide. Work done with and/or certified by a State of Maine certified teacher or another approved high school is automatically accepted for credit.

Fee: $150

Issuance of Homeschool Diploma

Includes transcript preparation. Homeschooled students must meet State of Maine and TNS required credits to receive a diploma. Diplomas are awarded when the 26 credits required by The New School are met, with satisfactory evidence of accomplishment.

Fee: $200