What’s New

School News should be published here. Category description can have more text if required or none if preferred so by the author/admin. This feature is rarely seen but is always good to know it exists.

Raising Salmon

Students in the Watershed and Ecology class ventured north to release their Atlantic salmon fry.  Out of 200 eggs, 193 hated and developed into fry.  That's an amazing success rate!  Students involved in raising the Atlantic salmon named all of the eggs when they arrived at the school.  They read all 200 names of the fish before releasing them.  As part of their senior project,  Alex Morin created a companion website to educate people about Atlantic Salmon. Click here to learn more about their great work!

Model United Nations Conference 2023

Juniors Reny Morin and Olie Saywell participated in the Maine Model United Nations at the University of Southern Maine in Gorham this week.  Reny and Olie represented Ukraine at the conference.  Reny served as a delegate on the NATO committee and Olie was in the General Assembly.  NATO debated energy security and the potential expansion of NATO, and the General Assembly tackled issues related to rural education and discussed strategies to increase the role of women in politics. Both participants were singled out for awards this year.  Reny was an Honorable Mention Delegate and Olie was a Distinguished Delegate.  [...]

Racism is a Virus: A Conversation with Asian American Youth in Maine

The Holocaust and Human Rights Center of Maine recently hosted a youth panel discussion about the impact of anti-Asian racism on Asian American youth living in the state. Racism Is A Virus: A Conversation with Asian American Youth in Maine hopes to raise awareness about the historical roots of anti-Asian prejudice in the US and recent rise in hate crimes and violence against Asian Americans and Pacific Islander Americans. Youth panelists from around the state will share their experiences as Asian American teens growing up in white majority communities in Maine. The discussion was organized by a senior [...]


Early in the 2018-19 school year, students expressed interest in a journey to the Azores, an isolated Portuguese island group in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. Students and teachers spent much of the first semester planning the trip and learning about the Azores. During the early part of the second semester, the group worked on finalizing the trip plans. They decided to spend the entire trip on the largest island, inter-island travel was too costly for such a large group. The students also had a many topics of interest, so a trip with a variety of experiences was [...]


For our regional intensive this year, students collaborated with the teachers to design an in-depth study of Indigenous People in New England. Our study focused primarily on the 5 Wabanaki tribes in Maine and the Wampanoag of Massachusetts. We visited the Penobscot and Wampanoag nations to spend time with the tribes to understand their experiences from their perspectives. Through our experiences we came face to face with complicated issues such as: Native American Identity and Representation The Impacts of Racism, Settler Colonialism and Genocide The Role of Land and the Relationship Between Sovereign Nations Traditional Life vs. Contemporary Life [...]

Students Team With Town For Climate Justice

The New School has a solid commitment to climate justice. Students gathered during the summer break to work with Social Studies teacher, Brad Lopes, in conjunction with the Energy Efficiency Advisory Committee of Kennebunk. They attended the Select Board Meeting in Kennebunk on August 14 to urge the town to join the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy and to sign a Commitment Letter to take action for the improved health of our environment. The town voted unanimously to sign the agreement. The New School will research our current use of resources with the support of the [...]

Many hands work together on greenhouse

The greenhouse is coming along in spite of the delay in getting our building permit.  It was approved last Wednesday, but hasn't come to us yet.  We have dug the foundation ditches with pick ax due to hitting hardpan.  This will make us the strongest people in the whole school.  Muscle men and women!  C.N. Brown has donated all the crushed stone for the foundation and floor.  Deering Lumber donated all the pressure treated beams and gave us a big discount on lumber, so with this community generosity we are financially sailing.  The weather is, of course, our biggest worry [...]

The New School and School Around Us Collaborate

On a cool autumn morning, a bus full of K-8 School Around Us students and their three teachers arrived at The New School ready to work together on collaborative science explorations.   Evan Dewdney was already stoking the fire in our brick oven, generously built for the school as a senior project a few years back.  The goal of the day was to foster connection between the sister schools and create nurturing peer mentorships. Each TNS student was paired with an SAU student based on interests and ages.  After an initial meeting to talk about the day, each pair rushed [...]

Students participate in facilitator training

In order to function effectively in a democratic organization with shared leadership, responsibilities and honoring all voices, the teachers at The New School recognize how integral it is to have good communication skills.  This week, as the students worked on their annual community agreements for the school, they are also learned how to better work within and as a group.  Lauren Tenney is an experienced facilitator, coach, and trainer working specifically with groups to improve function and communication.  Lauren provided an array of exercises to prepare students to actively participate in their own governance. Two days this week, the students [...]

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