Our end of the school year LEAP Night is coming up on June 11th (a Tuesday)!
LEAP (Learning Exhibitions And Performances) was created by our founding students as a celebration of learning. Students will create informative and interactive displays of their work from the semester and talk to the public about their growth and experiences. As part of the event, members of the community participate on a student’s LEAP Feedback Team to listen to our students explain what they’ve learned over the year and, using guided questions, have a conversation with our learners about their work.
If you are able, your involvement is vitally important to the mission of the school and we truly appreciate your time. We are recruiting 60 LEAP Feedback team members for this semester’s event. You will be provided with a LEAP Feedback Form and your student assignment during check-in. New participants will receive additional information via email.
Please go to the LEAP Team Sign-Up form to volunteer: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1fciC02nI9xr8_qfnP2wNA33ESqG1maLY2QnZKvtEbKk
LEAP Night Timeline
5:15 — Doors open; receive your team assignment and feedback form
5:30 — Student-led presentations to individual LEAP Feedback Teams
6:30 — Student exhibits are open to general public
7:30 — Performances and Gateway celebrations held in the Discovery Room