
About Thomas Deeny

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So far Thomas Deeny has created 26 blog entries.

End of School Year LEAP Night

Our end of the school year LEAP Night is coming up on June 11th (a Tuesday)! LEAP (Learning Exhibitions And Performances) was created by our founding students as a celebration of learning. Students will create informative and interactive displays of their work from the semester and talk to the public about their growth and experiences. As part of the event, members of the community participate on a student's LEAP Feedback Team to listen to our students explain what they've learned over the year and, using guided questions, have a conversation with our learners about their work. If you are [...]

Pride in the Bunks

This coming Saturday, June 8th, The New School will be at Pride in the Bunks, the annual Kennebunkport Pride gathering in its third year. Pride in the Bunks, a completely free and welcoming event, will be based just off of Dock Square at the South Church River Green (just on the inland side of the public parking lot). There's going to be entertainment, food, crafts and more from noon until 3pm on that Saturday. The New School will have a pop-up photo booth with glamourous costumes from Outta The Box. You bring the camera; we'll have the dress up! [...]

Creativity One Ten 100 at TNS

Fritz Grobe recently conducted a workshop for students and teachers here at The New School. The event, designed to inspire creativity and highlight the importance of perseverance, was a resounding success, engaging our learners in improvisation exercises and a unique activity involving creative uses for tissues. Fritz, a co-founder of EepyBird, is renowned for his viral online videos featuring the explosive combination of Coke and Mentos that have been seen by over 150 million people, won four Webby Awards, and been nominated for two Emmys. They're one of the staff's favorite moments from the David Letterman show! He [...]

Space Exploration & International Relations Intensive

One hallmark of The New School's educational experience are the Intensives, where our students focus on one topic for a three-week period. Generally, we have three different courses during this period: two travel intensives, one heading outside our region to nearby states and the other venturing quite far (and usually are away from campus for a longer time); and one local intensive based on our campus, featuring regional field trips. This year, our travel intensives were all about (1) the ecology of the Adirondack mountain region in upstate New York and (2) space exploration and international relations, stopping at [...]

Ecology in the Adirondacks Intensive

One hallmark of The New School's educational experience are the Intensives, where our students focus on one topic for a three-week period. Generally, we have three different courses during this period: two travel intensives, one heading outside our region to nearby states and the other venturing quite far (and usually are away from campus for a longer time); and one local intensive based on our campus, featuring regional field trips. This year, our travel intensives were all about (1) the ecology of the Adirondack mountain region in upstate New York and (2) space exploration and international relations, stopping at [...]

Around the World in 5 Courses

Back by popular demand, it's the TNS Trivia Night Dinner! Travel around the world in five courses inspired from Southeastern Asia, the Middle East, Europe, the Caribbean, and the Americas. Proceeds from your world feasting ticket go to funding our students' educational travels! Chef Evie. On Saturday, March 9, at 6 PM, you'll be entertained with an evening of trivia and food prepared and served by our students. Tickets are $45 ($9 per course). If you can't attend but want to purchase a community ticket so others can attend, those options are available! Your menu for the [...]

The New School Presents: Octopus Odyssey

Thursday, February 15th, The New School Presents brings you a conversation with Dr. Beth Orcutt of Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences and the artist Michel Droge (visiting Assistant Professor at Bates College), focusing on art, ocean conservation, and discovery. The event begins at 5pm at Sacred Profane Brewing in Biddeford with an open gallery. Presentations commence at 6pm. Here's what Bigelow Laboratory has to say about the event: If you’ve heard the buzz about the four new species of octopus discovered during the #OctoOdyssey expeditions last year, this is your chance to hear directly from Michel, who joined for the [...]

Play Games!

The New School's eSports team is starting up! Our game this season: Mario Kart 8. This after school program is free to join for high school aged teenagers. No costs are associated with the team — all materials needed to play are provided for practices and matches. Practices are held on Mondays and matches are held on Thursdays throughout February, March, and April. Finals will be held during the last week of April. Our eSports athletes are required to be in good academic standing — attendance and grades — with their school or homeschool in order to play in [...]

Learn Sign Language!

The New School is offering a beginner-level American Sign Language, starting on January 23rd. This fourteen-week long course will be offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:30 until 5pm. This after school class is open to learners aged 13 and up. Non-TNS students and family pay just $375 for this spring course of 28 classes; TNS family members can sign up for half price. Contact for more information! Click here to register!

Build a Robot!

We're looking for students to join our FIRST Robotics Competition team. If you are in grades 9-12 (and/or homeschooling) and are in the ages of 14-18, you are invited to join us! In the sport, teams of students build and program industrial-sized robots to play a difficult field game against other teams. It's as close to real-world engineering as a student can get! We'll be building a robot in January and February, getting it ready for our competitions in March. There is no fee for participants. Practices will be at the Maine Mall on [...]

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